Nedap Application services
Our support and experience. Your success.

More than technology

We can support your farm’s success

No matter how far you are on the path to automated pig farming – whether you’re thinking about a barn remodel or ready to start building – we know you are making choices for the future of your business and your family. That’s why we look to the future, too. That’s why we offer Vigreen Application Services.

At Nedap, we deliver more than technology. We deliver the support you need before, during and after your install to help your project succeed. Our team of experts has spent years on farms around the world helping producers plan and execute transitions into new group housing facilities or remodels. We’ve dealt with every conceivable challenge and are ready to share what we’ve learned. We provide on-site support before and after barn population. We also have training facilities for employees and managers, as well as e-learning programs for your convenience.

Our dealers are just as experienced and are dedicated to being your local connection to our world-leading technology. Together, we’re ready to help you make the most of your investment.

  • E-learning
  • On-farm employee training
  • Start-up support
  • Gilt transition support
  • Experience transitioning current herd to groups
  • Locally-based technical support

By quantri

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